County Voice

Modernising Social Services - What is an Assessment?

You may hear that you or someone you know will be offered an assessment or have an assessment for social care. This may seem daunting, however an ‘assessment’ starts and sometimes finishes only with a conversation.  It helps us to find out what matters most to you now and in the future to keep you healthy and safe. 

We will talk about what is going well in your life now and not so well.  We will ask you how you want your life to be and what you want to achieve. 

Assessments should be appropriate to meet your communication and cultural needs. Assessments should also be proportionate so you will not be asked for more information than is necessary.   We will talk about the people around you and in your community.  They may be able and willing to help you overcome barriers and achieve what matters to you.

There are now five elements to an ‘assessment’.  These must be considered before a decision can be made about whether you would be eligible to have any identified care and support needs met by the Local Authority. 

    • Personal circumstances
    • Personal outcomes (what matters to you)
    • Barriers to achieving what matters to you
    • Strengths and Capabilities
    • Risks

We will also consider whether you require any support such as an advocate.  It is important that you are as fully involved in the process as possible: 

The assessment may end with advice about the short term or preventative services available and we will discuss with you how to access these. The assessment may lead to a decision that you are eligible for longer term care and support arranged with or through social services and this will be documented in a care and support plan.

If you think you need help or would like a discussion with someone, you can visit a Talking Point, contact the Single Point of Access on 0300 456 1000 or visit our website.

Alternatively you can look at Dewis Cymru which is THE place for well-being information in Wales.  Local organisations and services can be found to help citizens maintain their independence and well-being

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