Llangollen Whitebeam
The Llangollen Whitebeam has been identified as a unique species. They were last surveyed in 1987 when just 239 specimens were identified – all of which were around Llangollen! Two more specimens were found in Shropshire in 2011. The tree grows on limestone rocks and it can be very challenging to get close enough to identify them.
The Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB is working with Chester Zoo and Natural Resources Wales to get a revised population figure with the help of eminent botanists Dr. Tim Rich and Libby Houston who are surveying the cliffs on foot. 21st Century technology is also assisting with the project as Andy
Goodwin from Remote Insight has been mapping the rocks and capturing high quality images with the use of a drone.

Survey work being carried out on Eglwyseg rocks in early September