County Voice

Working Denbighshire Jobs Fair

Working Denbighshire hosted a Jobs Fair in November that took place at Rhyl Town Hall.

This was the first event that Working Denbighshire has hosted since before the Covid pandemic. Stringent Covid safety measures were in place throughout the venue.

It was well attended and those that did, found it beneficial to see what job vacancies were available, and to be able to discuss with the professionals who were present, to get a feel for what would be expected of them should they find employment.

There was a wide range of employers present, complete with their pop up displays, information leaflets and the much-missed freebies! There was particular focus on the care, hospitality and retail sectors, though there was representation from other sectors too. Amongst those present were DWP, 2 Sisters Food Group, McDonald’s, Highbury Support Services, Premier Inn, the Council and many others. The feedback from employers was very positive and there was lots of interest in attending future events.

Through general conversation, a lot of other professionals said that it was also their first public event since pre Covid, so people were glad to get back into the swing of how things used to be.

As a result of the event, Working Denbighshire gained 5 new referrals for support to help overcome their barriers in securing an improved future.

The Working Denbighshire team would like to thank those who were either at the event or helped with the promotion of it.

Will we be hosting another Jobs Fair in early 2022 so look out for the date! It would be great to see you there!

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