Christmas and New Year Information
You can find out what the opening and closing time information for our services and buildings is over the Christmas and New Year period as well as information on our household and garden waste collections on our website.
With Christmas fast approaching, many homes within Denbighshire will be busy wrapping presents and starting to put up their festive decorations.
When planning on buying your essentials this Christmas, it is important to consider whether they are recyclable or not. Here is a list of key items, and their recycling instructions:
Bubble Wrap
Bubble wrap can't be recycled. Please put it in your black general waste bin or pink sacks or reuse to wrap up valuables which are going into storage or being posted.
Duct tape, electrical tape, cellotape, masking tape and parcel tape cannot be recycled. Please put them in your black general waste bin or pink sack.
Christmas Decorations
Christmas decorations can be reused year after year or donated to local charity shops or schools for craft sessions. Any decorations that are not fit for reuse should be put in your black general waste bin or pink sack.
Gift wrap
Gift wrap containing glitter and plastic cannot be recycled and must go in your black general waste bin or pink sacks.
Recycle plain paper gift wrap in your blue mixed recycling bin or clear recycling sacks once cellotape has been removed.
Plastic Packaging
Plastic packaging can be put in your blue mixed recycling bin or clear recycling sacks.
Aluminium Cans
Recycle your empty aluminium cans in your blue mixed recycling bin or clear recycling sacks at home or at your nearest Recycling and Waste Park.
Glass - You can recycle any unwanted glass bottles and jars in your blue mixed recycling bin or clear recycling sacks.
Plastic - Please reuse your plastic bottles. You can recycle plastic bottles in your mixed recycling bin or clear sacks.
Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport said: “There are lots of things that are thrown in the bin that can actually be recycled. Christmas time can be a very busy time for our waste teams, so choosing the right waste options during this festive period is very important.”