Discretionary Housing Payments
Discretionary Housing Payments are intended to help people with ongoing rent costs, deposits and/or removal costs.

You can find more information on the Council's website.
Age Connects

Age Connects LEAP initiative helps alleviate the health problems older people may suffer as a result of living in cold homes.
They can help check your utility tariff, benefits and offer advice on energy saving measures.
For more information or to book an appointment call their Information and Advice Team on 0300 2345 007 or visit Age Connects website.
Warm Home Discount Scheme
You may be eligible for £150 off your electricity bill under the Warm Home Discount Scheme.

It’s a one-off discount applied to your electricity bill and is in force until 31 March 2024.
If you might be eligible, you should have had a letter.
If you do not receive a letter and think you’re eligible, contact the Warm Home Discount Scheme before 29 February.
For more information visit the Warm Home Discount Scheme page on the Gov.uk website
Don’t leave yourself in the cold this winter

Age Cymru's 'Spread the Warmth' campaign aims to prevent thousands of older people in Wales suffering needlessly this winter.
To learn more about the Spread the Warmth Campaign visit Age Cymru’s website
Help getting into and progressing at work
If you or someone you know is in, or at risk of poverty and would like help to get into or progress at work, we can help by providing support and guidance with:
- Motivation and confidence
- One to one advice and guidance
- Training opportunities
- Volunteering
- CV writing
- Work experience
- Interview techniques
- Applying for jobs
- Personal finances
- Caring responsibilities
or anything else that is preventing you getting into education, employment or training, there is more information on our website.