Working Denbighshire hosted its first networking event for service providers on Tuesday January 16th, inviting over 20 local service providers to share information, in an effort to create a more joined up approach to simplify access to the employment and skills support available to residents.
Held at Rhyl Youth Club, the event allowed a number of key service providers within Denbighshire and beyond to come and learn more about each other’s businesses, as well Working Denbighshire’s key services including Work Start, Barod and their one to one support program as well as the free training available.
The engagement event inspired collaborative conversations between staff from Denbighshire County Council, North Wales Police, Shelter Cymru, WeCare Wales, Blossom & Bloom and other key services providers, many of them primarily based within Denbighshire.
The event also helped demonstrate how Working Denbighshire can further support service providers with challenges they face outside of their remit, to offer a broader more holistic approach.
Melanie Evans, Principal Manager, Strategic Employment, said: “We make a conscious effort to regularly communicate with our internal and external partners about the support we can offer to residents they are already actively speaking to, however this event opened a bigger conversation.
“Whilst we discussed our projects in detail, we made links to projects as well enabling us to fill the gaps and improve support available for residents.”
In attendance at the event was Councillor Jason McLellan, Leader of the Council and Lead Member for Economic Growth & Tackling Deprivation who said:
“I am glad to see that this first collaborative event has gone so successfully.
Collaborative working is massively important, and events like this help local businesses to get to know each other and find out how they can each lend a hand to the other.”
Working Denbighshire is an employability service which aims at supporting Denbighshire residents, aged 16 and above, who are in or at risk of poverty. For more information visit the website.