County Voice

Problems with your internet? The Council’s Digital Officer is here to help!

Residents and businesses in Denbighshire can benefit from free advice and assistance from the Council’s Digital Officer who can find the best solution for internet issues they may be experiencing due to a slow connection.

With an increasing number of residents using technology to work from home, and with many services, such as banking and utilities now online, it is essential that people can access a reliable service to meet their daily needs.

Philip Burrows, the Council’s Digital Officer said, “Some residents have slow or unreliable internet connections, and that’s where I come in. I can help by diagnosing the problem and then work with residents to fix it, with the aim of improving the quality of their internet connection.

“We find that people experience a range of issues, for example, some may be fairly straightforward problems that require a tweak to their home network. However, others may have more complex issues which will need to be resolved with a third party.”

Some communities may experience problems which require intervention by Openreach, the company which maintains and provides the major telephony and internet network system around the UK. However, individuals cannot contact Openreach directly, but the Council’s Digital Officer is able to do this on their behalf. 

Philip goes on to say, “I can be the go-between to hopefully take the stress out of sorting these types of problems. I can also advise on how to source funding to set up fibre community partnerships if there are specific communities who are all experiencing similar problems. I’m happy to advise any resident or business in Denbighshire on any topic related to their internet connection.”

Councillor Emrys Wynne, Lead Member for Welsh Language, Culture and Heritage said, “Ensuring better digital networks is essential and supporting communities to achieve this is a key priority in the Council’s Corporate Plan. Denbighshire is committed to helping residents to understand the options and solutions for improved internet connectivity – crucial for the digital age we live in today. I encourage anyone who is experiencing difficulties with their internet to contact Philip who will be able to advise on the best course of action.”

If you’re experiencing slow internet speeds or have trouble connecting to the internet in your home, contact the Council’s Digital Officer on

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