County Voice


Tribute to Councillor Pete Prendergast

On the 22 September, the Council was deeply saddened to hear of the sudden death of the Chair of the Council, Councillor Pete Prendergast.

Councillor Prendergast served as Chair of the Council for the 2017 – 2018 municipal year and was re-elected as Chair in May of this year. He had been Vice Chair the previous year and had served as a County Councillor, representing Rhyl South West, since March 2015.

At the time of his death, Councillor Jason McLellan, Leader of the Council, said: “We are shocked and saddened to hear of Pete’s passing. He was such a kind and well-respected member of the Council and extremely well thought of by everyone who met him and worked alongside him.

“I know Pete really loved getting behind his local community to help out where he could in his role as a Councillor, he always helped with such kindness, compassion and care. Pete gave such positive support for Rhyl residents in his role, supporting many community groups and I know he really enjoyed doing more for groups across the county when he became our Chairman early this year.

“On behalf of the Council and Pete’s colleagues, we will miss him very much and we would like to extend our deepest sympathies to his family and friends at this sad time.”

‘Hidden Gem’ award for Ruthin historic house and gardens

Nantclwyd y Dre has been accredited as a Quality Assured Visitor Attraction and awarded Hidden Gem status following an assessment by Visit Wales.

The historic house offers a unique exploration of over 500 years of history, from medieval up to the 20th century. The hidden and extensive gardens are described as ‘immaculate, with attractive flower beds and fruit and vegetable plots, provide a tranquil space right in the heart of Ruthin’.

Nantclwyd y Dre also offers visitors the opportunity to observe the house’s special maternity roost of Lesser Horseshoe Bats via a ‘Bat Cam’!

Following the assessment Visit Wales granted the house the Hidden Gem award for 2023, an accolade the historic site has won before in 2017, 2018 and 2022. The assessor stated that the attraction provides ‘an excellent welcome with the highest standards of customer care and information provided’ and that Hidden Gem status is ‘deservedly awarded once again this year’.

Kate Thomson Manager of Nantclwyd y Dre, said: “We are really pleased to receive the accreditation and the Hidden Gem award from Visit Wales. Our staff here work really hard to help and support visitors to the house and it’s great that Visit Wales have recognised their contribution in the assessment.

“We are also grateful for the support from the Ruthin community that inspires us to share this fantastic house that’s full of history with all ages who come through the door.”

Councillor Emrys Wynne, Denbighshire’s Lead Member for Welsh Language, Culture and Heritage, said: “This is great news for Nantclwyd y Dre, it is a fantastic attraction to visit in Ruthin, backed by a hard working team of staff and volunteers. It is a hidden gem that we want to celebrate and also encourage many people to come through the doors to experience its wide range of history.”

Key UK nature report highlights Little Terns project

photo credit: Michael Steciuk Little Terns

Photo credit: Michael Steciuk

Work to protect a Denbighshire bird colony is worthy of international significance according to a major annual report on UK nature.

The Council’s Countryside Service Gronant Little Terns project has been listed as a positive example for protecting wildlife in the latest State of Nature Report.

The State of Nature Report 2023 is split into the individual UK countries and is produced through a collaboration of over 60 biodiversity and nature related group partners.

Species studied by the collaboration have on average declined by 19 percent since monitoring started in 1970. The declines are much higher for some groups including birds, which stands at a 43 percent loss.

However, the State of Nature Report highlights the Little Terns Project as a positive piece of conservation work of ‘international significance’.

Countryside Service teams and local volunteers have dedicated nearly 20 years to protecting and managing the Little Terns colony at Gronant Dunes.

The site is the largest breeding colony found in Wales, contributing to over 10 percent of the entire UK breeding population as well as supplementing other colonies.

Little Terns spend the winter in Africa, they arrived at the dunes in May to breed on the shingled beach in a protected site prepared in April by Countryside staff and volunteers. They start flying back south at the end of August. This season 155 fledglings were recorded at the site and in 2022, 211 breeding pairs were monitored.

The report also recognised the work of the staff and volunteers to protect the site by highlighting that the colony growth is ‘likely driven by high levels of breeding success rather than by recruitment of adults fledged from other UK colonies’.

Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said: “Countryside staff and many volunteers work tirelessly throughout the season to protect and support this important colony we have in Denbighshire. It is great to see their efforts highly recognised as a positive step forward in reversing the decline of our bird populations across the UK.

How is the council doing?

It’s time to have your say! The council’s Stakeholder Survey for 2023 to 2024 is up and running. We want to know what Denbighshire residents, businesses, staff, elected members and partners think of the work we are doing here at the council.

Colourful speech bubbles

The survey is a great opportunity for the council to understand and learn from what people think so we hope you’ll help us by answering a few questions.

It’s also a great way for you to find out more about the themes that make up the council’s current Corporate Plan. To take part and have your say, please complete the survey by visiting County Conversation Stakeholder Survey

Council Leader pays tribute to community spirit during Storm Babet

Denbighshire County Council’s Leader has praised the community’s resilience and efforts following the heavy rainfall which hit the County during Storm Babet on 20 October.

Councillor Jason McLellan said, “Many Denbighshire residents faced a very difficult time during the storm, with some people being evacuated, and others having to protect their homes following an unprecedented amount of rainfall in a short period of time.

“The impact of Storm Babet affected residents, schools, and businesses. Yet again, the community spirit in our county shone through with people going the extra mile to help each other.”

The Council experienced a surge in demand during Storm Babet dealing with over 600 calls on Friday and over the weekend. The Customer Service Centre took over 500 calls on Friday alone and logged 195 incidents. From 5pm on Friday until 8.30am on Monday Denbighshire’s out of hours line dealt with an additional 118 calls and logged 63 incidents. These included road flooding and road closures, property flooding, river flooding, and damage to property.

The Council’s teams worked throughout the night on Friday and over the weekend to resolve a range of issues. Teams continued to work with individuals directly affected by flooding and worked to clear debris affecting many of the county’s rural roads and critical culverts.

Councillor McLellan went on to say, “I’d also like to thank the tireless work of Council Officers, some of whom worked through the night and into the weekend to deal with the aftermath of Storm Babet.”

 Information about what you should do in the event of a flood is available on the Council’s website:

You can find out how best to prepare for a flood on Natural Resources Wales website:

Minister Visit to Tŷ Pride in Rhyl

The Minister for Finance and Local Government, Rebecca Evans MS, visited Tŷ Pride in Rhyl on Thursday 19 October.

Tŷ Pride is a groundbreaking project dedicated to supporting LGBTQ+ young people who are either homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. This project, established through an innovative collaboration between Denbighshire County Council, homeless charity Llamau, and the West Rhyl Young People’s Project's Viva LGBTQ+ team, stands as Wales’ sole LGBTQ+ specified supported living initiative.

6 people standing in front of banners

Since its launch in the summer of 2019, Tŷ Pride has addressed the pressing issue of LGBTQ+ youth homelessness. Alarming research, including the 'Out on the Streets' report by End Youth Homelessness Cymru, highlighted the increased vulnerabilities faced by LGBTQ+ young people in Wales, such as family rejection, abuse, family breakdown, and stigmatisation. These factors contribute directly and indirectly to their elevated risk of experiencing homelessness and suffering from poor mental health.

Sam Austin, Deputy Chief Executive said, "It is the first provision of its kind in Wales. As we go into yet another round of restricted funding and limited budgets, it is vital we protect services like this. Since the project first opened, the Tŷ Pride partnership has been able to support ten young people with great outcomes for all.”

Emma Evans, Assistant Head of Service Delivery & Quality Assurance at Tŷ Pride, expressed, "Tŷ Pride provides a safe, non-judgmental, and inclusive space for young LGBTQ+ individuals facing homelessness. Residents embark on a programme of intense life skills within a supportive and accepting community of peers who understand the challenges, stigma, and discrimination they have faced. With nearly 50 young people referred to Tŷ Pride from across Wales, the demand for this service is evident."

Councillor Gill German, Denbighshire County Council Deputy Leader and Cabinet Lead Member for Education, Children and Families said, “It was a pleasure to share with Finance Minister Rebecca Evans how Tŷ Pride is leading the way in supporting vulnerable LGBTQ+ young people in the county thanks to excellent partnership work, including with Welsh Government. The positive impact made on so many lives is inspirational, and we are proud to have this project in Denbighshire.”

Nicola Stubbins, Denbighshire County Council’s Corporate Director Social Services and Education emphasised the project’s alignment with the Council’s key aim of reducing inequalities. She said, “Having a dedicated facility that engages with young people to build a better future is part of the Council’s commitment to ensuring a fairer, safe, and more equal Denbighshire.  We can see in the way that young LGBTQ+ individuals are supported and thriving in Tŷ Pride that this commitment is yielding positive results.”

Since its inception, the Tŷ Pride partnership has supported ten young people, with four now living independently, thriving in their new homes. Three residents remain at Tŷ Pride, and three have successfully returned to live with their families.

The visit by Rebecca Evans MS underscores the commitment of the Welsh Government to inclusivity and support for LGBTQ+ individuals facing homelessness. Tŷ Pride stands as a beacon of hope, exemplifying how collaboration and innovation can create positive change in the lives of vulnerable youth.

Clwyd South Levelling Up projects making progress

In recent weeks, the Council’s Clwyd South Levelling Up programme has been making great progress towards the completion of some of its projects.

The Clwyd South Levelling Up programme is an investment by the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund that was secured through a joint application between Denbighshire County Council and Wrexham County Borough Council for the Clwyd South Constituency. The application was supported by Simon Baynes MP. £3.8 million was allocated to Denbighshire to invest in the communities of Llangollen, Llantysilio, Corwen and surrounding areas.

Two of our Llangollen-based schemes have been gaining momentum. Our Plas Newydd project has made great progress with work to widen the path, install a new handrail down in the Dell and improvements to the site’s viewing area having been completed.


Our Wenffrwd project aims to improve town links to and from the Wenffrwd Nature Reserve and the Health Centre and canal. The works have started to connect the canal tow path and nature reserve and are expected to be completed in late October 2023. A weekly park run has been established, utilising the path connecting the Health Centre and Wenffrwd, which is proving to be popular!


We are also pleased to see that our Corwen-based projects have made significant progress, starting with the Corwen railway platform canopy. This project, delivered by the Llangollen Railway Trust, has now been completed and we are pleased to see the railway open to the public, receiving over 20,000 passengers in its first 3 months!

External refurbishment works to protect a key heritage building, Canolfan Llys Owain (former HSBC bank), have commenced as part of a project to improve Corwen’s town centre infrastructure. This portion of the project is being delivered by Cadwyn Adfywio and is expected to be completed by winter 2023.

Initial works have also started on the high street and Green Lane Car Park in Corwen, with these due to re-commence at the end of October 2023.

Further information about these projects can be found on the Denbighshire County Council website:

If you have any questions regarding the Clwyd South Levelling Up Fund projects, please contact:


Clwyd West Levelling Up programme launches newsletter

Denbighshire County Council’s Clwyd West Levelling Up programme is pleased to announce that it has launched a newsletter to provide updates on the projects taking place in Ruthin and the surrounding areas.

On the 19th of January Denbighshire Council was delighted to receive confirmation that they had secured £10.95m from the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund for the Clwyd West constituency to support the development of 10 projects aimed at protecting Ruthin’s unique heritage, wellbeing and rural communities. The proposals were supported by the constituency MP David Jones and local elected members.

There are 2 main strands to the Clwyd West Levelling Up programme. The first will focus on protecting Ruthin’s unique heritage and wellbeing through public realm enhancements and revitalising historical buildings and landmarks to support local identity, promote pride of place and boost the image of the town.

The second will focus on protecting Ruthin’s rural communities and wellbeing through improvements to the AONB sites of Loggerheads and Moel Famau and new community hubs in the rural surrounding villages of Bryneglwys and Gwyddelwern.

The council will be responsible for delivering 8 of the projects, while Dyffryn Clwyd Mission and Bryneglwys Cymdeithas Canolfan Ial Association will deliver the final 2 projects.

Further information about Clwyd West Levelling Up projects can be found on the Denbighshire County Council website:

The new digital newsletter aims to keep local people and businesses informed about the Clwyd West Levelling Up programme and individual project plans, including timescales for expected completion dates, as they develop.

Sign up to receive the newsletter via email here:

Learn more about Denbighshire’s Shared Prosperity funded projects!

Denbighshire County Council is delighted to have been able to award funding from the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity fund to 36 Denbighshire and multi-Local Authority projects, until 31st December 2024.

The successful projects have been selected based on their aspirations to deliver on a number of key interventions that have been categorised into 8 themes. The themes are:

  • Town Centre Improvements & Tourism
  • Business Support Across the County
  • Healthier, Happier, Caring: Community Capacity Building
  • Culture & Welsh Language: Culture, Sports & Creativity
  • Better Connected: Digital Inclusion
  • Fairer, Safe & More Equal: Community Safety
  • Greener: Community Infrastructure
  • Learning & Growing: People & Skills

These themes align with the key objectives outlined in the Council’s Corporate Plan 2022 to 2027 that will help secure the well-being of residents now and in the future.

The Shared Prosperity Fund Team has recently updated the Denbighshire County Council website to include information about all of the successful projects in receipt of funding and are delighted to be able to share this information with the public.

Read about the exciting projects we funded through Denbighshire’s allocation of Shared Prosperity Funding here:

We look forward to seeing all of these funded projects progress and are excited to see what they deliver for the good of local residents and communities across the county for years to come!

Recycling and Waste

Winners of the recycling vehicle naming competition announced!

Denbighshire County Council has revealed the winning names for their new Welsh Government funded recycling vehicles which will come into service in 2024.  

Over 100 entries were submitted by Denbighshire school pupils last month.  The tough job of judging fell to the Council’s waste crews – who will be driving these new vehicles, with the final decision taken by Leader of the Council, Councillor Jason McLellan, Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for the Environment, Highways and Transport, and Graham Boase, the Council’s Chief Executive.

The winning names will be printed onto the new lorries. Soon, Denbighshire residents will see Tyrbo, Terbinator, Lord of the Bins, and Trash Gordon, among others, collecting their recycling. 

Councillor Barry Mellor said, “Congratulations to all the winners and a huge well done to all the schools that entered. It’s been great to see such enthusiastic and creative entries from the County’s school children.

“These new vehicles are replacing the old fleet which is past its sell by date. The vehicles, three of which are electric, have been funded by Welsh Government as part of the commitment to improve recycling levels in Wales. They will be more cost efficient and more environmentally friendly, leading to cost savings in the long run.”

A list of the winning schools is available on the Council’s website, and the winning names for the lorries are below:

  • Terbinator
  • Stig of the Dump Truck
  • Recyclops
  • Lord of the Bins
  • Trashformer
  • Trash Gordon
  • Recyclosaurus Rex
  • Binny McBinface
  • Bindarela
  • Tyrbo
  • Binnie
  • Ailgylchugeitor
  • Draig Daear Dragon
  • ArBINnig
  • Rubbish Sucker Bob
  • Benny the Bin Lorry
  • Dusty McBinlid
  • Binbych
  • Mr Eco
  • Dilys
  • Stitch
Green and blue recycling lorry

Libraries and One Stop Shops

Nearly 2500 participate in Summer Reading Challenge at Denbighshire Libraries

This summer, 2478 children took part in the Summer Reading Challenge at Denbighshire’s Libraries, including over 460 new members who joined the library in order to take part.

Themed around the power of play, sport, games and physical activity, the 2023 challenge was named ‘Ready, Steady, Read!’ and was free to join and take part in.

By participating in the challenge at their local library, children were given the opportunity to explore new reading material, develop skills, and discover new interests. 

The Summer Reading Challenge has been running since 1999 and helps to improve children’s reading skills and confidence over the summer holidays, ensuring they are ready for their return to school. It encourages children to read for pleasure and to make regular visits to their local library. It’s accessible to all and provides a fun, free activity for children.

Councillor Emrys Wynne, Lead member for the Welsh Language, Culture and Heritage said: “It is so great to see that so many of Denbighshire’s young people have taken part in the reading challenge yet again this year.

"The challenge helps young people to enjoy reading and discover new authors and books, in both Welsh and English languages. The reading challenge also allows young people to practice their reading skills during the holiday period.”



Denbighshire tourism sector shows record economic growth

STEAM (Scarborough Tourism Economic Activity Monitor) figures for 2022 show a considerable rise in the economic impact of tourism for the county.

Figures show that tourism generated £628m in 2022, besting the pre-covid 2019 number of £552m by almost 14%.

The number of staying visitors also increased in comparison to 2019, with 1.64 million deciding to stay within the county in 2022, an increase of 3.1%.

Total visitor numbers were up by 0.6% in comparison to the 2019 pre-pandemic numbers, with 6.03 million visiting Denbighshire in 2022.

The numbers show that the tourism sector is bouncing back well, with the number of staying visitors up by 56.1% in 2022, when compared with the 2021 figures.

Councillor Jason McLellan, Leader of the Council and Lead Member for Economic Growth & Tackling Deprivation said:

“These figures are very welcome and demonstrate the importance of tourism to the local economy and the resilience of this sector in what has been a challenging period for the industry.”

Councillor Win Mullen James, Lead Member for Local Development and Planning said:

“Our coastal and rural attractions have both demonstrated strong increases in economic impact in comparison with 2021 improving by 40% and 50% respectively. This underlines how strong the tourism offer is throughout the county.”

Denbighire by Bus

The Tourism Team engaged a guest blogger during October.

Julie Brominicks is the author of The Edge of Cymru and a frequent contributor to BBC Countryfile Magazine.

Julie mostly writes about the Welsh landscape which she accesses on foot or by train or more often by bus.

We have been sharing Julie's adventures using public transport as she explores Denbighshire by bus, championing sustainable travel.  

Photo credit: Billie Charity at Hay Festival

To read Julie’s blog visit our Inspire Me section on the  North East Wales website which the Tourism Team manage.  She was also a guest speaker at their Tourism Forum on the 25 October.

Support for residents

Support for residents

We’re aware that the rising cost of living can be worrying for many households. Below, we’ve collated a list of support and resources which could be of help to residents.


Welsh Government Nest campaign image

Welsh Government's Nest scheme

Welsh Government’s Nest scheme offers a range of free, impartial advice to help you make your home warmer and more energy efficient. Also, if you’re eligible, it can offer a package of free home energy efficiency improvements.


Image promoting free school meals to primary pupils

Universal Primary Free School meals

To help with the rising costs-of-living, we’re working with Welsh Government so that every primary school pupil will be offered free school meals by 2024 through the Universal Primary Free School Meals scheme. Universal Primary Free School Meals are currently available for every child in reception class, years 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Universal Primary Free School Meals

Image promoting Welsh Government school essential grants

School Essentials Grant

If your child attends a school in Denbighshire and you receive a qualifying benefit, you may be entitled to a grant towards the cost of:

  • School uniform
  • School sports kit
  • Sports outside of school
  • Uniforms for wider activities e.g. scouts and guides
  • Equipment for activities to support the curriculum, e.g. design and technology
  • Equipment for out of school hours trips, including outdoor learning
  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Computers, laptops and tablets 

School Essentials Grant

Picture of a calculator

Benefits calculators

You can use an independent, free, and anonymous benefits calculator to check what you could be entitled to. This will give you an estimate of:

  • the benefits you could get
  • how much your benefit payments could be
  • how your benefits will be affected if you start work or increase your hours
  • how your benefits will be affected if your circumstances change - for example, if you have a child or move in with your partner

Benefits Calculators

Picture of Prestatyn Library

Digital Library

There are a range of free digital resources available through Denbighshire's Digital Library.  These range from the BorrowBox where you can access audiobooks and e-books, Ancestry if you want to research your family history to PressReader if you’d like to browse through newspapers and magazines.

Take a look at the full range of resources on the following link Denbighshire's Digital Library

My Home Denbighshire

My Home Denbighshire is an early intervention project which aims to work ‘upstream’ offering support and guidance to anyone in Denbighshire, who might be facing struggles or difficulties relating to their home.

My Home Denbighshire can support with a wide range of needs that, if left unmanaged, could start to spiral out of control, eventually putting the resident at risk of becoming homeless.  By providing the necessary help and support needed, at the earliest given opportunity, it can prevent people from ever having to think about homelessness.

Please see the poster below for further information and how to get in touch:

Poster setting out what My Home Denbighshire offers to residents

Working Denbighshire

Working Denbighshire project offering walks with Fluffy Friends

In an endeavour to promote mental and emotional wellness on people’s journey towards employment, Working Denbighshire’s Barod Project is launching the ‘Paws and Pathways’ Wellbeing Walk, which will feature the heart-warming presence of therapy dogs.

Designed to provide a calm and nurturing environment for unemployed Denbighshire residents seeking a break from the challenges of daily life, the ‘Paws and Pathways’ Wellbeing Walk combines the therapeutic benefits of walking, with the comfort and companionship of certified therapy dogs.

The walks will be led by Barod’s Wellbeing and Resilience Coaches and walkers will be accompanied by the friendly therapy dogs provided by Therapy Dogs Nationwide with the hope of enhancing mental health and well-being.

Therapy dogs have an extraordinary ability to uplift spirits and provide emotional support, and their calming presence can reduce feelings of loneliness and anxiety, making them ideal companions for those looking to enhance their mental and emotional wellness.

Tina Foulkes, Manager at Working Denbighshire said: “Being unemployed can have a negative impact on a person’s wellbeing so the ‘Barod’ project will be running activities to support individuals feeling these pressures.

"The project will be running a selection of wellbeing activities throughout the year, with a long term goal to prepare people for employment.”

Councillor Jason McLellan, Leader of the Council and Lead Member for Economic Growth & Tackling Deprivation said: “It is great that this project is now expanding to include a walk with therapy dogs, as both taking a walk in the outdoors and interaction with dogs are known to boost mental health.

"I would encourage anyone who fits the criteria to sign up and give this free initiative a go.”

Walks will be taking place between 1pm and 2pm every Monday, in Rhyl, Denbigh, Llangollen, Prestatyn and Ruthin until 18 December. Visit to find the closest event to you.

Participation in the ‘Paws and Pathways’ Wellbeing Walks is free and open to individuals within the Denbighshire area, over the age of 16, who are unemployed and not in education. All fitness levels are welcome.

Booking is required and can be done by sending an email to or calling 07824 300769.

Working Denbighshire is part funded through the Welsh Government Communities for Work Plus Programme which supports those most disadvantaged in the labour market to overcome the barriers preventing them from gaining employment.

Working Denbighshire has received £3,529,632 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.


Success for Working Denbighshire Job Fair held in Rhyl

Held at the 1891 Restaurant & Bar at the Pavilion Theatre in Rhyl, Working Denbighshire’s latest job fair saw over 230 people come through the doors.

The Jobs Fair took place in September, where over 43 businesses, made up of 28 employers, 9 support organisations and 6 training companies exhibited at the seaside venue.

Attendees ranged from local to national organisations including nationally recognised names such as North Wales Police, The Armed Forces, Balfour Beatty and Betsi Cadwaladr.

This Job Fair was the fourth and final one held in 2023, with plans for a January 2024 job fair now underway.

The Council’s Working Denbighshire service aims to co-ordinate support that helps people into work by removing barriers. Working with local businesses and organisations, the Working Denbighshire programme is committed to supporting people who live in Denbighshire to get into the world of work and/or further their skills with free training.

Melanie Evans, Principal Manager, Strategic Employment, said: “We are very pleased to receive such positive feedback from the latest Job Fair.

"It is so important that we continue organising these events to support Denbighshire residents with their job search, and help businesses to connect with a large number of potential candidates in person and recruit people who are the right fit for their organisation.

"We are already planning employability events which are due to take place in the new year, so be sure to check our events calendar.”

Councillor Jason McLellan, Leader of the Council and Lead Member for Economic Growth & Tackling Deprivation said: “It is great to see that the final Job Fair of the year was such a success.

"These Job Fairs are held to help the people of Denbighshire thrive, and to provide important employment support to the whole county.

"The Working Denbighshire team have worked extremely hard this year to host multiple successful Job Fairs, and I would like to thank them for their effort.”

To keep up to date with events and find out more about Working Denbighshire visit the website or to get employment support click here. 

Working Denbighshire is part funded through the Welsh Government Communities for Work Plus Programme which supports those most disadvantaged in the labour market to overcome the barriers preventing them from gaining employment.

Working Denbighshire has received £3,529,632 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.


‘It’s got to be the right job’: the Welsh employment scheme tailored to local needs

Cllr Jason McLellan, Cllr Gill German and Alison McGovern MP visited Working Denbighshire at Rhyl Library in September, to speak about how the service aims to support Denbighshire residents into employment.

Alison McGovern MP pictured with Sediq Shamal on a visit to Working Denbighshire

Alison Mc Govern MP, visits Working Denbighshire in Rhyl (photograph: Christopher Thomond / The Guardian)

Past participants and various members of the team, including participants that now work for the service in result of its scheme, spoke about the positive impact that Working Denbighshire has already had in the County and how it continues to support residents into employment through training, wellbeing activities, job searching, cv writing and so much more. 

Sediq Shamal, Luke Jones and Brandon Nellist opened up about their personal experiences with Working Denbighshire and the Guardian followed up the visit with a full article.

Picture of Sediq Shamal sitting on the beach in Rhyl  

Sediq Shamal, who had to leave Afghanistan after the return of the Taliban in 2021 (photograph: Christopher Thomond / The Guardian)

Luke Jones in Tu Mundo café in Prestatyn

Luke Jones at Tu Mundo café in Prestatyn (photograph: Christopher Thomond / The Guardian)


To read the full article, visit The Guardian


'Barod' November Timetable

On the road with Working Denbighshire

Work Wellbeing Event: 24 November at Rhyl Library (11.30am - 1.30pm)

This 'drop in' event is focused on supporting individuals looking for a career change or in need of a job, with their wellbeing.

This free event has been organised to link residents with service providers, to allow them to access relevant support and valuable information focused on employment.


In Work Support Event: 7 November at the Optics Technology Centre, St Asaph (9am - 12.30pm)

The Council in partnership with DWP are inviting employers based in Denbighshire to attend an informative event focusing on how collectively we can support local residents to develop their careers and thrive in the workplace.

This event is a unique opportunity to explore local support and resources available to you to enhance the skills of your workforce. Helping to provide improved job quality, stability and earning potential for many local people as part of an ambition to develop a strong local economy and a vibrant workforce.

If you would like to attend, please e-mail RHYL.EPTEAM@DWP.GOV.UK.



Council warns of serious budget challenges.

The Council is warning that challenging times lie ahead as it faces a series of continuing budget pressures due to rising costs and demand for services.

It is estimated that delivering day to day services – including social services, waste collection and schools, will cost an extra £26m due to price increases, inflation, and pressure on demand.

Despite an expected increase in funding of £5.6m (3%) by Welsh Government, this still leaves a funding gap of £20.4m. Like Local Authorities across Wales, the Council must find additional money through savings and efficiencies, charges for services, increases in Council Tax or by reducing or cutting services. 

Councillor Jason McLellan, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Lead Member for Economic Growth and Tackling Deprivation said, “Like all Councils across Wales and England we face the most challenging of times. Over a decade of constant austerity cuts from UK Government has taken its toll on local authorities and as a result we have to make very difficult decisions.

“We have already been looking at every Council function to identify budget savings. We have asked staff internally to propose ideas; we are considering what we can do differently, what we can reduce and what we can stop. On the basis of these considerations, we are working to come up with a list of potential savings across everything we do. The current financial position is incredibly challenging and as a result, the need for significant budget savings is unprecedented.”

Councillor Gwyneth Ellis, Cabinet Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets said, “The main priority for Cabinet at this point is to ensure the Council can balance the books. Denbighshire wants to avoid arriving at a situation where external Commissioners are sent in by government to reduce spend with little or no reference to the elected Members or the local communities. This is the reality of what could happen should we fail to balance the books.

“That is why we must start making difficult decisions now. We need to be able to agree to implement significant savings over the next few months to enable us to set a balanced budget for 2024/25.  We also know there are likely to be similar challenges facing us for 2025/26.”

The proposals which will be put forward will all go through the appropriate process with some decisions made by Cabinet while others will be taken via delegated decision either by the Lead Member or Head of Service.  All decisions which have a significant impact on communities will be subject to a public consultation.

You can view information about the current budget situation and proposals which are being considered on the Council’s website.  




Climate Change and Biodiversity

Energy team work energises care home efficiency

Phase two of work to improve energy efficiency at a Corwen care home has further reduced daily energy usage.

The Council’s Energy Team has seen a considerable reduction in energy use at Cysgod y Gaer, Corwen after finishing the second stage of work to improve efficiency and reduce carbon emissions at the building.

The Council is working to reduce its building estate carbon footprint which is responsible for over 60 percent of direct emissions.

Phase one of work at the care home funded by the Welsh Government Green Recovery Fund saw a 10.2kw PV array installed on the roof at the site to produce electricity to power the building.

The work also saw LED lighting installed and modifications to the heating system and controls which saw carbon emissions reduced by 2.80 tonnes yearly.

Now the team has also carried out a modification to the building's water heating system which has produced a big drop in the care home‘s daily energy consumption.

The previous two water cylinders which were heated by the main heating boilers have been replaced by a system which allows instant hot water instead of being on continuously.

This has resulted in around three quarters less water heating energy use a day. The gas consumption has reduced from an average of 750kwh to 200kwh daily on top of the impact of the previous work. This is a further reduction of around another five to six tonnes of carbon emissions per year. The total emissions at the care home are now around 10 tonnes per year lower than they were before the carbon reduction project work.

Robert Jones, Principal Energy Manager said: “We have appreciated the support of the residents and staff at Cysgod y Gaer for helping us carry out this work at the building to provide a more energy efficient home for them all to enjoy.”

Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said: “We are committed to reducing our carbon emissions and energy usage across all our buildings and I am pleased to see the fantastic impact the latest work at Cysgod Y Gaer has had.”

Award winning volunteers dig deep for nature

Denbigh in Bloom volunteers joined Denbighshire County Council’s Biodiversity team to add more colour and variety to the ATS roundabout.

Award-winning green-fingered Denbigh Community members have helped enhance a local wildflower meadow area.

Fresh off winning the 2023 Wales in Bloom town gold award and a Community Champion Award for group volunteer Judy Huxley, Denbigh in Bloom volunteers joined the Council’s Biodiversity team to add more colour and variety to the ATS roundabout.

The team is working with volunteers and groups across the county to plug plant at nine meadows.

Plug planting more flowers, grown at the Council’s tree nursery, at a number of sites will help create more colourful, diverse meadows and better biodiversity support for our local nature and communities.

Wildflowers in county meadows provide bees and other pollinators with food through the year which supports our own food chain. Taking away this habitat reduces support for nature’s pollinators, impacting on our own food chain as they support the growth of most of our fruit and vegetables

Denbigh in Bloom volunteers, who have won Gold and Best Town in Wales for the fourth consecutive time, have supported the growth of species on the ATS roundabout and have installed a log pile and bug hotel on the site to support insects. Working with the Biodiversity team, they have introduced the benefits of ‘not mowing’ to support the growth of wildflowers.

Lyndsey Tasker, Chair of Denbigh in Bloom, said: “Volunteers from Denbigh in Bloom were delighted to join Denbighshire County Council’s Biodiversity team to work on this plug planting scheme. We fully support schemes such as these in creating areas within our town which aim to attract a greater variety of insects and wildlife.”

Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said: “Denbigh in Bloom have already done a fantastic job with the ATS roundabout site with the work they have carried out. I’m grateful to them for working with our Biodiversity team to carry out this enhancement that will help tackle the nature emergency and encourage more nature back into towns for residents to enjoy.”

Lighting work lowers levels of school energy use

Ysgol Tir Morfa

A new phase of work at a school will continue to reduce the site’s carbon footprint.

The Council’s Energy Team has completed phase 2 at Ysgol Tir Morfa to reduce site carbon emissions.

The Council is working to reduce its building estate carbon footprint which is responsible for over 60 percent of direct emissions.

Early this year the Energy Team oversaw the installation of two Ecomod air source heat pumps at the school by UK boiler manufacturer Ideal which use air temperature and electricity to generate heat in place of a gas boiler.

The heat pumps are helping lower carbon emissions and costs compared to a traditional boiler. They use air temperature to turn 1 unit of electricity into over 3 units of heat.

In addition, two solar PV arrays and battery storage were installed to help generate electricity to power the heat pumps and store any ‘excess’ and otherwise exported electricity produced by the solar PV, further reducing fuel bills and carbon emissions.

Now the team have installed LED lighting at the school which needs less energy to function.

The LED lighting was installed over the summer holidays and will save a further 6 tonnes of carbon emissions per year as well as reducing the electricity costs.

Robert Jones, Principal Energy Manager said: “It’s been great to get back to Ysgol Tir Morfa who were so accommodating during the Easter holidays when we came to install the heat pumps and solar PV. By adding the LED lighting system this is going to help the school even more with lowering their carbon emissions and energy usage.”

Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said: “This is great work by our Energy Team to help the school continue to drive down their carbon emissions and energy costs by the installation of these new LED lighting systems alongside the previously installed heat pumps and solar PV. The Council is grateful that the school has been so supportive of this new technology.”

Greener vehicle support to help tree nursery growth

An electric Avant loader

A greener set of four wheels has rolled into the Council’s Tree Nursery to help improve plant and tree production.

The Council’s local provenance tree nursery at Green Gates Farm, St Asaph, funded by Welsh Government, through the Local Nature Partnerships Cymru ENRaW project and Local Places for Nature grant, has produced 13,000 wildflower plants and 11,500 trees this season.

Plants produced at the nursery will be taken to existing county wildflower meadows to help boost the range of species on the sites, add variety and colour to improve the look of each site for the local communities to enjoy and maintain and improve biodiversity.

The wildflower meadow areas and woodland creation sites where some of the trees grown will go, provide benefits for everybody, not just nature, with other community benefits including improved air quality, urban heat cooling, physical and mental wellbeing and areas of mixed interest for education and play.

To help improve production for next season around the tree nursery and maintain surrounding wildflower meadows, the Council’s Biodiversity Team has welcomed a greener piece of kit to reduce carbon emissions impact on the site.

An electric Avant loader will be used to help out with manual work at the nursery, including moving stock around on the site, maintaining the sustainable creation of compost for the nursery and maintaining nearby wildflower areas and meadow.

The electric machine, which has no carbon tailpipe emissions, is able to lift up to 900kg and is equipped with loading forks and loading bucket to help with moving items around the site and a grass mower for maintenance.

In addition, an electric Fiat e-Doblo van with a range of 175 miles will support the low emissions delivery of trees and plants from the nursery to other sites.

Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said: “The team at the nursery and the volunteers who come in to help out do a fantastic job in growing the plants and trees that will go out to sites to improve their look and feel for local communities and nature.

“These new no exhaust emissions additions will help move production along at the site and keep in with our efforts to keep carbon emissions low across the Council.”

Wildflower meadow enhancement work starts

Meliden Embankment, Prestatyn

Work has begun to enhance a number of Denbighshire wildflower meadows.

The Council’s Biodiversity team has started a programme of plug planting and enhancement work across ten meadows.

The meadows vary from site to site and usually contain a variety of native grasses and wildflowers. Wildflowers at our sites are mostly native perennial species which means they will come back every year and support the greatest amount of wildlife.

The work commenced at Meliden Embankment, Prestatyn to introduce more wildflowers to the site.

Plug planting more flowers, grown at the Council’s tree nursery, at a number of sites will help create more colourful, diverse meadows and better biodiversity support for our local nature and communities.

Bringing back and maintaining these wildflower meadow areas is an important step in helping to reverse the decline and increase local species richness and the Council has committed to capitalising on using its grassland areas for this purpose, where appropriate.

Wildflowers in county meadows provide bees and other pollinators with food across the year which supports our own food chain.

Without this habitat support for insects, nature’s pollinators would be less, impacting on our own food chain as these pollinators support the growth of most of our fruit and vegetables.

Wildflower meadow soil can also sequester as much carbon as woodlands, reducing greenhouse gases to help tackle climate change.

Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport and Biodiversity Champion said: “Enriching and enhancing the meadows with more plants, especially in urban areas, will help create better connected corridors to support nature to travel and pollinate other sites tackling the nature emergency and encouraging more nature back into towns for residents to enjoy.

“Enhancing the meadows also provides benefits for everybody, not just nature, with other community benefits including improved air quality, urban heat cooling, physical and mental wellbeing and areas of mixed interest for education and play.

“We are extremely grateful to the volunteers and our staff for helping introduce these plants to the sites selected that have been grown from seeds taken from existing flowers on our meadows."

Plug planting and other enhancement work is taking place at:

  • Green Lane, Corwen
  • ATS roundabout, Denbigh
  • Parc Alafowlia Fields, Denbigh
  • Maes Lliwen, Nantglyn
  • Bastion Road Park, Prestatyn
  • Meliden Embankment, Prestatyn
  • Rhyl Coast Road
  • Vincent Close, Rhyl
  • Fern Way, Rhyl
  • Llys Brenig Park, Rhyl

If you are interested in volunteering to help out with plug planting at a community site, there are a number of opportunities for you to get involved. Please email for further details about how to get involved in the future.

Project improves on wildflower plant production

local provenance tree nursery at Green Gates Farm, St Asaph

A biodiversity project to support native Denbighshire wildflowers has exceeded last season’s results.

The Council’s local provenance tree nursery at Green Gates Farm, St Asaph, produced nearly 8,000 plants during its first growing season last year.

This project has been funded by the Welsh Government, through the Local Nature Partnerships Cymru ENRaW project and Local Places for Nature grant.

In 2023 the number of plants grown has passed last season by reaching 13,000 wildflowers.

These include ox eye daisy, knapweed, field scabious, selfheal, yarrow, wild carrot, red campion, bladder campion, buttercup, birds foot trefoil and ladies bedstraw.

Many of these wildflowers support a variety of different wildlife. For example, bird’s foot trefoil can provide food for 160 species of insects, encouraging shrews and lapwings to visit the plant, improving nature’s resilience in local communities.

The plants produced at the nursery will be taken to existing wildflower meadows in the county. These will help boost the range of species on the sites, add variety and colour to improve the look of each site for the local communities to enjoy and maintain and improve biodiversity.

Having more wildflowers on the meadows also gives greater support to pollinators who are important to the human food supply chain.

Wildflowers in county meadows provide bees and other pollinators with food across the year. On a summer’s day, an acre of meadow roughly holding three million flowers can produce nearly 1kg of nectar sugar supporting up to 100,000 bees.

Without this habitat support for insects, nature’s pollinators would be less, impacting on our food chain and most of fruit and vegetables produced may have to be artificially pollinated at cost and time.

The nursery has also increased its number of trees grown from 1,000 last season to 11,500 for 2023 which include pedunculate oak, sessile oak, sweet chestnut, silver birch, alder, wych elm and goat willow.

Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said: “A lot of hard work has gone into producing a larger number of plants and trees for 2023, from the initial collection of seeds last year to the care and attention to help these species grow.

“The volunteers we have had at the nursery have really helped us push forward with the project and I want to thank them and the biodiversity team for providing such a fantastic number of plants and trees that will continue our work to support and improve nature across the county.

“The meadows that these plants will call their new homes are for everyone, they support the creation of connected corridors for nature to thrive across our urban areas. The project has great support from our schools who are eager to follow and learn about how it not just helps nature but also our communities as well. The wildflower plants grown will help to add diversity and colour across our sites for the community to enjoy, along with the pollinators at risk who help put food on our tables.

“Given the time they need to establish, our meadows will be for the equal wellbeing of residents and wildlife to both enjoy now, and most importantly, for our future generations in the shape of our school pupils here in Denbighshire.”

Historic home builds new bee friendly environment

Denbighshire County Council’s Biodiversity team joined staff and volunteers at Plas Newydd to help create a stronger natural habitat for local pollinators to enjoy.

A popular historic Llangollen attraction is lending a helping hand to local nature.

The Council’s Biodiversity team joined staff and volunteers at Plas Newydd to help create a stronger natural habitat for local pollinators to enjoy.

The historic home to Lady Eleanor Butler and Miss Sarah Ponsonby and gardens is maintained by the Clwydian Range & Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

Plug planting was carried out in the orchard and woodland area of Plas Newydd’s grounds as part of the site’s new Bee Friendly status which aims to support the recovery of bees and other pollinators.

The wildflowers will help create a more colourful, diverse and stronger biodiversity around the grounds for local nature and visitors to enjoy.

They will also provide bees and other pollinators with food through the year which supports our own food chain. Taking away this habitat reduces support for nature’s pollinators, impacting on our own food chain as they support the growth of most of our fruit and vegetables.

Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport and Biodiversity Champion said: “Plas Newydd is a great location for visitors and the local community to enjoy thanks to its rich history. It is also a fantastic place for nature to thrive thanks to the work carried out to maintain the beautiful gardens surrounding the house.

“The plug planting work carried out to increase the number of wildflowers on the site will really help tackle the nature emergency and encourage more nature back into the local area for residents to enjoy.”

Do you already have or would you like help creating a Bee Friendly area in your garden or on your land? The Council’s Biodiversity Team can offer advice and support in creating your Bee Friendly area and applying for Bee Friendly status. Please contact to find out more.

More information about the Bee Friendly Scheme and how you can get involved can be found at: Wales Biodiversity Partnership - Bee Friendly (

Social Care

Senior Care Assistant enrols onto dream nursing course

A Care Home worker at Cysgod y Gaer Residential Care Home in Corwen will soon be embarking on a journey to become a qualified adult nurse, after almost four years at the Care Home.

Kira, who is 21, studied Health and Social Care at Wrexham College and chose to do her placement at the Corwen Care Home. After finishing her studies, she enjoyed her placement so much that she decided to come back to work full time at Cysgod y Gaer, and has now spent over two years full time there.

She quickly rose through the ranks and became a Senior Care Assistant around a year ago.

Kira said: “In my role as a Senior Care Assistant, I have worked a lot with nurses and paramedics, and I really got to build my confidence. Working with them, I got a real insight into that line of work, and it gave me the confidence to decide to give it a go.

"I am definitely going to miss the residents and the staff at the Care Home. We always have such a great laugh together, and they all feel like family to me now. In that aspect, it will be hard to leave.

"I am going to study Adult Nursing at Wrexham, and my end goal is to become a Community Nurse.”

Catherine Roberts, Manager at Cysgod y Gaer Residential Home said: “It is brilliant to see Kira’s progression, and even though I am losing an amazing member of staff, I think it is very important for young people to go and follow their dreams.

"No matter what role you start in, or where you are in your career path, there are always opportunities to develop and progress in social care.

"Kira has gained valuable experience and her confidence has grown massively since she has been with us. I think her work here has prepared her well to move forward.

"We will all miss her, but wish her all the best.”

For more information about working in social care, go to our website


Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Route improvements from Plymog Layby

Picture of wooden sign saying Bryn Alyn and Bryn-yr-Orsedd 1 mile

As part of the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB’s efforts to manage the increasing number of day visits to some of our better known sites the team are embarking on a series of rights of way improvements as identified in the recently commissioned Recreation Plan.  The plan identified opportunities to develop a comfort zone in the central

Clwydian Range area, providing routes that can be self-led and easily followed from sites other than the Moel Famau and Loggerheads Country Parks car parks.

Stone path leading to the wodds     Stepping stones crossing a river to create a path to a wooden gate opening onto a field

The Bryn Alyn circular will take people from Plymog (situated on A494) on to a circular route taking in the iconic Bryn Alyn limestone pavement. Stiles are being replaced wherever possible with Larch kissing gates or pedestrian gates to improve existing access.

Another much needed improvement was the stream crossing, known locally as Seven Springs. Heidelberg Materials Aggregates at Cefn Mawr Quarry kindly donated the large limestone rocks to create new and improved stepping stone crossing.  Not only has this improved the safety of the crossing but also the picturesque value of this area.

Stepping stones across a stream to a metal gate leading to a field


Countryside Services

Traditional grass maintenance skills spruce up community woodland

A dash of traditional meadow management has helped maintain a Ruthin community nature haven.

The Council’s Countryside Service has carried out a yesteryear climate friendly technique to manage land at Llanrhydd Street community woodland in line with its creation to help tackle climate change.

The former school field saw 800 trees planted on site earlier in the year as part of a continuing effort to reduce carbon emissions and improve biodiversity.

Alongside the trees, a wildflower meadow, native hedgerows, wildlife pond, outdoor classroom and recreational space were developed to support the environment and provide a community space for local residents to enjoy nature.

With the impact of climate change in mind, Countryside Rangers recently arranged a day of scything with volunteers to help maintain the area for the local community and its wildlife residents.

Scything has been tracked back to the Roman ages. The technique involves using a long curved blade situated on an angle to a handle to allow cutting grass by hand. This method would have helped harvest hay from Denbighshire meadows and pastures before the use of mechanical machinery became more widespread.

It is friendly to animals and insects that frequent meadow areas as it gives them time to move on, and those working the chance to spot any wildlife.

Scything is also a greener way to manage grassland due to the technique’s fuel free operation and better for physical use due to less hand vibration caused by modern machinery.

Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said: “It’s fantastic to see this old technique used by our Countryside team and volunteers at this community site, as the non-use of fossil fuel for scything really fits in well with this area contributing to tackling climate change on behalf of the local community and nature.”

Traditional craft adds improved habitat to living classroom

A traditional craft is helping a school nature haven to continue supporting local wildlife.

Denbighshire Countryside Services staff and volunteers supported by Nature for Health have carried out an age old technique to help provide stronger habitats for nature on land at Glasdir, Ruthin.

Countryside teams have worked over the years with Rhos Street school to create and manage a bustling outdoor living classroom on the land for pupils to enjoy and also learn from.

The site includes a bird hide area, wildflower meadows, orchards, bee box, camera traps and a wetlands pond to help children learn about nature and how to support it themselves.

A team of countryside staff and volunteers have now added a little bit more protection for nature by carrying out hedgelaying on the site.

The traditional craft allows a hedge to be partially cut and laid at an angle which results in regrowth of the hedge coming from the bottom and allows the hedgerow to thicken at the base providing a dense habitat for biodiversity.

It was historically applied by the majority of farms and landowners as part of their winter boundary management until mechanical hedgerow maintenance took over. However, studies have shown how much more effective this older method is for the important regeneration of hedgerows to improve local nature.

Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, and Council Biodiversity Champion, said: “This is a real great partnership between Rhos Street and our Countryside teams that allow the pupils to learn about, appreciate and bring their own ideas forward for how to support local nature which is so important right now.

“It’s great to see this additional traditional work taking place at the Glasdir living classroom as it will add more support for nature habitats at the site and benefit the pupils as they can watch and learn as it develops over time into a deeper habitat.”

Community nature partnership receives national accolade

Rhuddlan Nature Reserve

A community partnership helping nature thrive at a popular Rhuddlan venue has received a national award.

The Council's Countryside staff have worked closely with Rhuddlan Reserve Management Advisory Group to develop a bustling nature habitat at the Rhuddlan Nature Reserve.

Countryside staff have helped manage the site since opening in 2011 on behalf of the group, breathing life into a number of initiatives for nature and the local community.

The nature reserve has expanded over the years with the introduction of initiatives which include two wildflower meadows, three wildlife ponds, 300 metres of hedgerow, wildflower seeded verges, planting of 6,000 trees, a heritage species orchard, two picnic areas and a pond dipping platform.

A unique addition to the nature reserve is the site’s Sensory Area which involved the local Dementia Group and the nature reserve group working with Countryside staff.

Last year the partnership was honoured for its commitment to nature and the community by winning the Wales in Bloom `Overall It’s Your Neighbourhood 2022 for Wales’ and the RHS National Certificate of Distinction.

For 2023 the teams looking after the site are celebrating again after picking up the Outstanding It’s Your Neighbourhood award alongside another RHS National Certificate of Distinction.

Anita Fagan, Chair of the Rhuddlan Reserve Management Advisory Group, said: “As the wife of Raymond Fagan who was instrumental in creating this wonderful site in collaboration with Denbighshire County Council's Countryside services team, I feel honoured to chair the Management Advisory Group of the Reserve.

“The Committee enjoys a supportive partnership, continually learning how best to encourage biodiversity for the health of the area, in conjunction with reaching out to the local community and visitors with educational walks and wild life adventure hunts to promote interest and to take pleasure in the Natural World.

“My special thanks go to Garry Davies, Jim Kilpatrick and Bradley Shackleton, the countryside services team, for their consistent and outstanding nurture and management of this wonderful resource for Rhuddlan.”

Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said: “It is such a great team from the community and our Countryside Service that manages and enhances this fantastic site both for local nature to thrive and local residents to enjoy while visiting.

“This collaboration has really put in a lot of passion to improving the habitats on the site and giving the local community something to be proud of and I am pleased their hard work has been recognised once again.”


New childcare extension opens at Ysgol Penmorfa

Ysgol Penmorfa in Prestatyn has officially opened its new Childcare Facility, which will now be fully operational for the new term.

The extension increases the capacity of childcare provision in the area, allowing more local families to benefit from high quality childcare in Prestatyn.

This will make a real difference to the lives of children and families in the area and give children access to learning from a young age.

The work on the extension began in September 2022, following the successful appointment of the building contractor TG Williams. The work was finalized during the summer holidays of 2023.

The project has been funded by the Welsh Government’s Flying Start Capital Grant.

Councillor Gill German Deputy Leader and Lead Member for Education, Children and Families said: “The opening of this new childcare facility is great news for the Prestatyn area and will give our children and families a further opportunity to access high quality childcare here in Denbighshire.

"We are committed to providing the best possible start for our children and I am so pleased that we have been able to expand our childcare offer in this way, thanks to Welsh Government capital funding and the hard work of all involved.”


Ruthin Gaol offering unique Australian experience

How does a trip to Australia sound? Good right? Well, it was not so good if you were a convict at Ruthin Gaol!

Ruthin Gaol Museum is offering a truly unique experience on 2 November, to be ‘transported’ back in time. This is a unique opportunity to see and hear the stories of the convicts that were transported to Australia from Ruthin Gaol in the late 1800s.

Attendees can learn what life was like on the transportation ships and can also hear tales of the fates of many of the prisoners.

The tours will be at 11am and 2pm and attendees will be able to follow the characters around the gaol to hear their stories. This is a fun and informative tour that is suitable for all ages and normal admissions fees will apply.

Philippa Jones, Heritage Site Operations and Development Manager said: “The whole Gaol team is really looking forward to presenting our Transportation Day once again. We have learned a lot more about the prisoners transported to Australia recently and this day will be a great way to present this to our visitors.”

Councillor Emrys Wynne, Lead Member for Welsh Language, Culture & Heritage said: “This is a brilliant opportunity for people to learn about some of the prisoners’ long journey from our corner of the earth, all the way to Australia. This is a new cell that has only opened this year, I would encourage any history lovers to go along to experience it.”

For more information, go to their Facebook page.


Parking Services

Denbighshire County Council’s ‘Free After Three’ parking scheme

Denbighshire County Council will once again be running the ‘Free After Three’ parking scheme in the run up to Christmas.

Between 20 November and 31 December, Council-run town centre car parks will be free to use across Denbighshire every day from 3pm to encourage more people to use their local high street for shopping in the run up to Christmas and New Year.

The Free After Three initiative will be available in the following car parks:

  • Corwen - Green Lane
  • Denbigh – Barkers Well Lane, Crown Lane, Factory Ward, Post Office Lane and Vale Street
  • Llangollen - East Street, Hall Street, Market Street and Mill Street
  • Prestatyn – Kings Avenue, Lower High Street Railway Station
  • Rhuddlan - Parliament Street
  • Rhyl – Central, Morley Road, West Kinmel Street, Sky Tower, Town Hall, Railway Station; Library (disabled bays only),
  • Ruthin - Market Street, Crispin Yard, Dog Lane, Park Road, Rhos Street, St Peters Square and Troed Y Rhiw
  • St Asaph - Bowling Green

Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport said: “Free after Three has proved popular in previous years because it is a great scheme that enables residents to support their local communities. We are also providing five free parking days per year to each town and city council and it’s up to them how they use them. Many tend to use these in the lead up to Christmas to encourage people to shop locally.

“We hope that everyone supports our local high streets and backs our businesses, especially in the run-up to Christmas and take full advantage of the benefits of the scheme by using the county’s town centre car parks free of charge.”

News from our partners

Community grants launched for the Ruthin area

Housing association Grŵp Cynefin has launched an £18,000 fund for activities to improve communities in the Ruthin area.

The grants – of up to £1000 each – are available to voluntary and community groups which are making a difference and improving their local area. It’s all part of the re-development of Grŵp Cynefin’s  Llys Awelon Extra Care Housing Scheme in Ruthin.

Aerial view of roofs and the church spire in Ruthin with the mountains and a rainbow in the background.

These days, a major construction agreement of this nature involves investment beyond the construction site, and in the local community as well.

Local company, Read Construction, is the construction company re-developing the site, and therefore fitting that this community investment is in an area where many of their employees and suppliers come from. The development of Llys Awelon is a partnership between Grŵp Cynefin, Denbighshire County Council and the Welsh Government.

“This new project means an additional 35 flats to the existing 21 flats with brand new facilities for the older people in the area,” says Arwyn Evans, Head of Development at Grŵp Cynefin. “It’s therefore great that as well as being able to provide an area with a resource like this, which naturally brings local jobs and spending, that the wider community also benefits through grants."

Grants  of up to £1,000 will be offered to groups operating in and around Ruthin, within the LL15 postcode.

“We really want groups of all kinds to apply for the funding,” said Ffion Pittendreigh, Grŵp Cynefin’s Community Initiatives Manager. “If they can help any activity that makes life better, brings people together and benefits the community and the environment, go for it! They are relatively small grants but a thousand pounds can make a world of difference for a small enterprise.”

Grants are offered to groups offering activities that contribute to the local community by achieving some of the below:

  • Boosting the sense of community
  • Involving the whole community (e.g., people of all ages and abilities)
  • Encouraging children and young people to get involved
  • Organising events to bring the community together
  • Supporting a long-term project (social or leisure)
  • Providing play and leisure opportunities for children and young people
  • Improving the local environment (e.g., litter picking days, creating space for wildlife)
  • Helping people feel safer and more secure
  • Improving the wellbeing of the community by encouraging a healthy lifestyle
  • Promoting the Welsh language
  • Responding to the challenges of the cost-of-living crisis

The fund opens on Wednesday  1 November 2023 and remains open to applications until 31 January 2024. Groups can apply for grants via the Grŵp Cynefin website  or they can get in touch for a  hard copy by post.

The grants are administered by Grŵp Cynefin’s Community Initiatives Department so if you would like to discuss, see if your initiative or project is eligible or get some help with the application, please contact Grŵp Cynefin’s Community Initiatives team on 0300 111 2122 or email

More information can also be found on the website.

If you would like to arrange an interview or for more information, please contact Mari Williams, Grŵp Cynefin’s Communications and Marketing Manager - or 07970 142 305



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