Winners of the recycling vehicle naming competition announced!
Denbighshire County Council has revealed the winning names for their new Welsh Government funded recycling vehicles which will come into service in 2024.
Over 100 entries were submitted by Denbighshire school pupils last month. The tough job of judging fell to the Council’s waste crews – who will be driving these new vehicles, with the final decision taken by Leader of the Council, Councillor Jason McLellan, Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for the Environment, Highways and Transport, and Graham Boase, the Council’s Chief Executive.
The winning names will be printed onto the new lorries. Soon, Denbighshire residents will see Tyrbo, Terbinator, Lord of the Bins, and Trash Gordon, among others, collecting their recycling.
Councillor Barry Mellor said, “Congratulations to all the winners and a huge well done to all the schools that entered. It’s been great to see such enthusiastic and creative entries from the County’s school children.
“These new vehicles are replacing the old fleet which is past its sell by date. The vehicles, three of which are electric, have been funded by Welsh Government as part of the commitment to improve recycling levels in Wales. They will be more cost efficient and more environmentally friendly, leading to cost savings in the long run.”
A list of the winning schools is available on the Council’s website, and the winning names for the lorries are below:
- Terbinator
- Stig of the Dump Truck
- Recyclops
- Lord of the Bins
- Trashformer
- Trash Gordon
- Recyclosaurus Rex
- Binny McBinface
- Bindarela
- Tyrbo
- Binnie
- Ailgylchugeitor
- Draig Daear Dragon
- ArBINnig
- Rubbish Sucker Bob
- Benny the Bin Lorry
- Dusty McBinlid
- Binbych
- Mr Eco
- Dilys
- Stitch