Welsh Water HelpU Factsheet

What is the HelpU tariff?
Welsh Water offer several schemes to make water bills more affordable. The HelpU tariff helps households by putting a cap on the amount you have to pay for your water to reduce future payments.
How much is it worth?
If you qualify for the HelpU tariff, Welsh Water will cap your water bill, so you won’t pay over a certain amount for the year. The annual HelpU charge for this financial year is £290.03 (£116.52 for water, £173.51 for sewerage).
Who is eligible for the HelpU tariff?
To qualify for the tariff:
- the water supply to the household must be for domestic use only
- someone in the household must receive at least one means-tested benefit such as Universal Credit or Pension Credit*
- the combined annual household income must be on or under the threshold for the household size as shown in the table below*
Household Size |
Income Threshold |
Total number of occupants (including children) in your household |
All income your household receives from occupiers aged 16 years and over |
1 |
£11,600 |
2 |
£17,400 |
3+ |
£18,800 |
How do you claim?
- Apply online at www.dwrcymru.com/costoflivingdenbighshire
- If you’re unsure if you are eligible, or would like help with your application, please contact Welsh Water on 0800 052 0145 or Citizens Advice Denbighshire on 0808 278 7933.
If you're struggling to pay or are worried about any of your bills - from utilities such as water and energy, or other debts – please get in touch with Citizens Advice Denbighshire for free and confidential advice and support www.CADenbighshire.co.uk, or call 0808 278 7933. Alternatively, check what you could be entitled to with the benefit calculators - www.gov.uk/benefits-calculators.
Did you know?
- The HelpU tariff is already making a difference to over 3200 people in Denbighshire.
- The average saving is up to £200 per household per year.
- There are other schemes available which might be able to help if you are in receipt of benefits or have a low income:
* Here’s a list of types of the means-tested benefits which someone in the household must be receiving at least one of: Universal Credit, Income related Employment & Support Allowance (ESA), Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA), Income Support, Pension Credit, Child Tax Credit (except families in receipt of the family element only), Working Tax Credit, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction (based on income, not just a Single Persons Discount).
* Some types of income from the combined annual household income calculation are excluded: Housing Benefit or Housing Element of Universal Credit, Council Tax Reduction /Support, Support Group/Work Related Activity Group & Disability/Carer Premiums on ESA, Disability Premiums on Child/Working Tax Credits, Disability/Carer Premiums on Pension Credit/JSA & Income Support, Disabled Child & Limited Capability For Working Elements of Universal Credit, Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Personal In