County Voice

Support for residents

Cost of Living Support

Did you know that we have a section on our website which gives information about the support available to people to help with their cost of living?

It covers help for:

  • Armed forces / veterans
  • Carers
  • Disabled people
  • Families
  • Pensioners
  • People who are not working
  • People who have lost a loved one
  • Students

There are also links to Citizens Advice Denbighshire, information about Child Trust Funds and much more. Here is a link to our website, where you can find all the information. 

Advice from our Digital Officer

Are you suffering from stuttering video conferences and slow internet while at home? 

Our Digital Officer is available to offer free impartial advice on your home internet connection, possible upgrade solutions and home Wi-Fi problems.

Contact Philip Burrows -

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