Work begins to expand accommodation provision for older people in Denbighshire
Grŵp Cynefin has embarked on a £12.2 million expansion plan to update and extend their Extra Care Housing Scheme at Llys Awelon, Ruthin.
The project will involve a complete redevelopment of the site to create a modern, low carbon, bespoke scheme to meet the needs of older people in the Denbighshire area. Grŵp Cynefin’s Extra Care Scheme offers unique independence, neighbourhood and support within purpose built buildings with independent flats for the residents and communal areas such as gardens, lounges, restaurant and a hairdressing salon.

It offers a great opportunity for older people to benefit from an independent lifestyle in a safe and homely community with support and care when they need it.
Grŵp Cynefin has five schemes in Holyhead, Bala, Porthmadog, Denbigh, and Ruthin. At Llys Awelon, Ruthin, an additional 35 one and two bedroom flats and brand new facilities will be added to the existing 21 flats.
The project is a partnership between the Council, Grŵp Cynefin and the Welsh Government and is supported by £7.1 million of Welsh Government Social Housing Programme funding.
According to Mel Evans, Grŵp Cynefin’s Director of Innovation and Growth: “We are proud to be able to work closely with Denbighshire Council and the Welsh Government to be able to offer the highest standard of service at Llys Awelon, Ruthin, which will be a modern, valuable resource for the area.”
Shan Lloyd Williams, Grŵp Cynefin Chief Executive adds: “Such projects bring together Grŵp Cynefin’s best qualities – expertise in Extra Care Housing and important principles – innovation in our construction methods using materials and technology to achieve low or zero carbon and our ability to bring partners together to deliver ambitious and innovative schemes for the benefit of our communities.”
“As well as extending the choice of care and accommodation provision to older people in the Ruthin area, the scheme will help regenerate the site, investing money in the town and surrounding communities.”
Councillor Elen Heaton, Lead Member for Health and Social Care, Denbighshire Council says: “We are pleased to be able to continue to work with Grŵp Cynefin on such an important project as Llys Awelon, Ruthin to help Denbighshire residents.
“Projects like this support our residents to live independently and provide them with high quality housing that meets a wide range of needs.”