Clean up dog mess – even in the countryside
The Council is calling on all dog owners to clean up after their animals in the open countryside, following concerns raised nationally.
Organisations in the agricultural industry across Wales have seen a considerable rise in the number of complaints regarding dog fouling in the countryside.
There is a concern as similar to the disease risk in parks and residential streets, it is equally as dangerous to livestock in the countryside.
The advice for people in the countryside is to clean up after their animals and dispose of the bags properly and not discard them in fields or on roadsides.
Councillor Tony Thomas, Cabinet Lead Member for Housing and Safer Communities, said: “The problem with dog fouling in streets and parks is well documented and is publicised from time to time, but due to coronavirus and people taking exercise whilst walking their dogs, this has resulted to a rise in complaints.
“The vast majority of dog owners are responsible but there are those who do not follow the rules. With such vast areas across Denbighshire, this proves difficult with regards to enforcement action. Therefore we are asking people to be responsible and to clean up after their animals in the open countryside and to keep their dogs on a lead.
“I’d like to thank residents in advance for making the countryside safe for everyone.”
Mari Jones, FUW county executive officer for Denbighshire, said: “In order to protect livestock health, it is essential dog walkers pick up after their dog. Dog fouling can spread diseases to livestock which cause health and welfare problems and, as with dog attacks, this represents a preventable welfare issue.
“We continue to urge members of the public to use the countryside responsibly and this includes safely keeping dogs on a lead near livestock and picking up after your dog.”