County Voice

Volunteering in Denbighshire

Work has been carried out by Denbighshire County Council, with input from county councillors and city, town and community councils to pull together and map out resources available during the Covid-19 outbreak across Denbighshire.

A Community Resource Pack has been produced to highlight how volunteers can help specific communities.  The pack contains information about local emerging groups and businesses across Denbighshire offering support, including information about food deliveries, grocery services, laundry services, befriending schemes and other support services.  It also contains links to a variety of support agencies and networks which operate locally, regionally and nationally.

The Covid-19 Emergency Relief Grants Pack contains information about grant funding available for charitable groups supporting their local communities and individuals facing financial hardship.

Meanwhile the Council is working closely with the Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council (DVSC)to promote wider opportunities for volunteering in the local community, to provide a co-ordinated approach to deal with requests and to ensure that the right support gets to the place where it is needed.

The Council also has Community Coordinators in place who are contacting all community group and businesses who are offering community support in the county, to talk to them about the support that’s available to them from the Council, DVSC, and local and national funding bodies. If anyone wants to request a call, they can contact

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