County Voice

Work progressing well on the refurbishment of the existing buildings at Ysgol Glan Clwyd

Work continues on the refurbishment of the existing buildings at Ysgol Glan Clwyd. This work is part of the overall project which is jointly funded by the Council and the Welsh Government through its 21st Century Schools and Education Capital Programme.

Since the turn of the year the contractors Willmott Dixon have been undertaking refurbishment to the existing school buildings, which has formed phase 2 of the project following the completion of the new extension in December 2016.

Part of the existing building was handed back to the school at the start of May and there has been great progress made in the last month with the newly refurbished classrooms and the new link corridor due to be handed back to the school this week.

Early next month, there will be an event to mark the start of the demolition of the old 3 story teaching block.

To keep up to date with the progress of the project, visit our Education blog.

Glan Clwyd


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