County Voice

County Voice 2020: Issue 1

Denbighshire Community Development Support

Since the last issue of County Voice, Denbighshire’s Community Development Team have been working hard to support community groups and organisations from across the County to develop project ideas and offer community funding advice.

The first round of the Brenig Windfarm fund proved highly competitive as expected, but with a large proportion of the successful applicants being Denbighshire based projects there was a positive outcome for local communities. We now eagerly await to hear the outcome of the Brenig Windfarm Fund’s second round and look forward to the launch of the larger Clocaenog Windfarm Fund (worth around £758,000 per annum, index linked).

Of course there are many other funding opportunities for community projects in Denbighshire and so we have listed below some key upcoming funding dates for your diary:

  • Denbighshire Community Endowment Fund: An educational fund for individuals and organisations in Denbighshire. Next deadline: 31st March (fund opens 6 weeks before)
  • Education Fund for Denbigh and Surrounding Area: An educational fund for individuals and organisations in Denbigh and surrounding villages. Next deadline: 31st March (fund opens 6 weeks before)
  • Gwynt y Môr Windfarm Fund Large Grants: Capital and revenue funding available for community projects in North Denbighshire. Next deadline: 31st March
  • Burbo Bank Windfarm Fund: Capital and revenue funding available for community projects in North Denbighshire. Next deadline: 1st April

As well as offering tailored one to one support for groups developing community projects in Denbighshire, the Community Development Team also organise various events. Be sure to take note of what’s coming up:

West Rhyl Tidy Town Community Event Monday 20th April, 5-7pm at the Foryd Centre, Princes Street, Rhyl, LL18 1LS.

  • Would you like see improvements in West Rhyl? How about having a say in the future of your community? Would you like to find out what others are doing and how to get involved?
  • Come along to our free open event where you can meet like-minded residents and speak to organisations who are creating projects to help make West Rhyl a cleaner, greener place to live and work.
  • Free prize draw entry for all attendees, create and take home your own hanging basket or planter, bling your bin (bring along your blue recycling bin and a local artist will help you decorate it for free), light finger buffet and refreshments provided.

Organising Community Events Information Workshop Tuesday 12th May, 6-8pm at Rhewl Pavilion, Rhewl, LL15 1TN.

  • Come along to our free information workshop, themed around the topic of hosting and organising small to medium sized community events in Denbighshire.
  • Network with other event organisers, learn about key considerations, hear about the Denbighshire event notification process and event toolkit, ask questions and seek advice for your own event, share good practice and key challenges, learn about the Council’s event infrastructure and equipment inventory project. Light refreshments provided.

Community Engagement and Evidencing Support Information Workshop Wednesday 1st July, 10am-12.30pm at Eirianfa Community Centre, Denbigh, LL16 3TS.

  • Come along to our free information workshop, themed around the topic of gathering and demonstrating community engagement and support for your project. A key requirement for many funders.
  • Further details to be confirmed.

North Denbighshire Funders Fair Rhyl, date and venue to be confirmed.

  • Come along to our free funders fair. Meet local and national grant funders, find out what funding is available, seek advice for your community project and discuss grant applications with the funders directly.
  • Further details to be confirmed.

If you would like support to develop a community project or idea please get in touch with our Community Development Team via email: or ring them on 01824 706000.

For more information on funding availability and community development please visit our community planning webpage.


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