Jobs fair supports young people employment opportunities
Nearly 30 exhibitors came together recently to support employment help for young people.
The Working Denbighshire Careers Fair held at Rhyl Town Hall saw nearly 100 young residents aged 16 and above receive valuable employment advice and help.

At the event the line-up of exhibitors included a range of employers, training providers, education providers and support services.
Delegates were able to find out about work opportunities in Admin and Finance, Construction, Education, Engineering, Health and Social Care, Driving and Logistics, Public Service, Childcare, Textiles, Housing, Manufacturing, Gaming and Digital. Those thinking about self-employment were also able to seek advice at the event.
Those attending also discovered the events interactive elements which included a Gaming Van allowing people to have a go at some of the latest games. Emergency Service vehicles were also parked outside for attendees to explore.

This careers event was funded through the Welsh Government’s Young Person’s Guarantee, part of which is delivered through the Communities for Work Plus (CfW+) programme that helps people furthest from the labour market get back into employment by offering one-to-one help and support. CfW+ forms part of the Working Denbighshire programme, delivered by the Council. Working with local businesses and organisations, the Working Denbighshire programme is committed to supporting young people who live in the county, with support to gain a place in education or training and help to get into work or become self-employed.
Councillor Jason McLellan, Leader and Lead Member for Economic Growth and Tackling Deprivation said “I was delighted to attend this event and see such a fantastic range of employment support and advice on offer for those who came through the door.

“I am really proud to see Working Denbighshire extending a big helping hand to our younger residents during such a difficult time. We are extremely proud to have this service which aims to tackle poverty through employment.
“This is what the Working Denbighshire scheme is all about, helping people. As the cost of living increases it is very important we do all we can to provide this free support where we can to help younger people find the best employment to suit them.”
To keep up to date with events and find out more about Working Denbighshire visit our website or to get employment support visit