County Voice

County Voice: December 2023

Council to provide free period pants for PE offer

The Council, through the Welsh Government Period Dignity grant, has secured funding to provide period pants for PE, for residents to access for free.

Working with provider Hey Girls, there are currently 100 vouchers available for redemption, with more becoming available subject to demand.

The Council is also collaborating with Denbighshire Leisure LTD (DLL) as the offer will be promoted to all DLL members and service users.

The period pants can be worn for up to 12 hours and have moisture wicking qualities allowing for comfort whilst wearing.

Councillor Julie Matthews, Lead Member for Corporate Strategy, Policy and Equalities said: “This offer allows for these vital products to be available for free to those who need them during sporting activities.

"This will reduce certain anxieties and inspire confidence to those who need them, and I am very pleased to see that they are available and easy to obtain.”

Jamie Groves, Managing Director of DLL said: “DLL will be supporting the Council in this important project, not only by promoting the vouchers to our members and customers, but also by spreading the word to local clubs and partners, via our Active Communities team.

"Ending period poverty by raising awareness and providing access to quality products is an incredibly worthwhile aim, and we are proud to be involved in this initiative.”

Participants can register for a voucher by going to the period dignity webpage.


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