Message from the Leader and Chief Executive
As the season of goodwill is upon us, and as we prepare to celebrate this special time of year with our friends and family, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
Our budgets remain very challenging for the Council, as it does for all Councils. To respond to those budget pressures, we have had to find savings in some services which we realise hasn’t been easy for anyone. We are working really hard to reduce the impact of those savings on our residents and communities. On the positive side, we have great communities throughout Denbighshire and we would like to thank you for the support you provide to our vulnerable residents and for making our special communities what they are.
We would also like to acknowledge that the new waste/recycling service roll-out this year didn’t go according to plan which caused some distress for a number of our residents. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this has caused. We have made the necessary improvements and the service is now predominantly working as we want it. We remain committed to the new system as it improves our recycling rates and the quality of the recycling materials and we would like to thank our residents for working with us to improve the way we deal with the significant volumes of waste we all generate.
We hope that over the festive period you will be able to find time to relax, and enjoy all that our County offers. With everything going on in the world we know how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful, peaceful part of it.
We look forward to continuing to work with our communities in the new year and on behalf of all our Councillors and staff at the Council, we hope you have a prosperous, peaceful and happy new year.