Denbighshire’s Catering Services win ‘Best Performing Catering Service’ at the APSE Awards
The Council’s catering service were nominated with five other local authorities for the award.
The Association of Public Service Excellence (APSE) is one of the top benchmarking agencies who work with over 200 councils across the UK.
Denbighshire’s catering service submit benchmarking data annually to APSE, which is then measured against other entries from across the UK. This data includes, paid and free meal uptakes, staff training, service performance and management of the service.
Following their submission to the Association of Public Service Excellence (APSE), the council’s catering service were awarded ‘Best Performing Catering Service’ as well as being nominated as the ‘Most Improved Performer’ in catering services.
Councillor Diane King, Lead Member for Education, Children and Families said:
“I would like to congratulate everyone involved in the catering services for achieving this great award. This award is a true reflection of the hard work that goes in on a day-to-day basis to provide children across the County with healthy nutritious meals.
“The provision of school meals is essential in a child’s learning and development, and the catering team continue to work with local suppliers to provide a hot nutritionally balanced meal at lunchtime. Denbighshire County Council are committed to healthy eating and are working hard with schools to promote the health and welfare of pupils”.
To view the school meals menu, or for more information visit the Denbighshire school meals website.