County Voice

County Voice: July 2023

Guided Walk at Coed Bell, Gronant, with the Friends of the AONB

Earlier in May, Rangers Steve and Imogen held a guided walk for The Friends of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) around Coed Bell in Gronant. This was a chance for the Friends to see the fantastic work the Ranger team and volunteers have done over the last few years managing the site to enhance the bluebell display and to learn how the site is managed for biodiversity.

While there, they also visited the Scheduled Ancient Monument at the south of the site. This area is part of the Sustainable Management Scheme (Grazing Project) and again, the Friends had a chance to see the work the Ranger team have done to reduce the huge amount of bracken and gorse there with the view of getting grazing animals on there in the very near future.

The attendees really enjoyed the visit and a couple even said it was the best bluebell display they had ever seen, and you can see why!


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