County Voice

County Voice: July 2024

The Summer Reading Challenge 2024

July is an exciting and busy month in our Libraries with the launch of the Reading Challenge Nationally in England and Wales on 6 July in partnership with The Reading Agency. 

This year the theme is Marvellous Makers which encourages children to get involved and have fun. There is an opportunity for children to be themselves, use their imagination and be creative, discovering fantastic, inventive and eye-catching books. They will read books and collect incentives over the summer holidays and take part in free arts and crafts activities.

The Summer Reading Challenge aims to prevent the "summer dip" learning loss many children experience over the holidays when they aren't in school. With libraries' support, it provides a free, fun way to keep young minds active. In 2023, over 685,000 children across the UK participated.

We are extremely proud to host a national event to launch the Reading Challenge in Denbigh Library on July 10 with children from Ysgol Twm o'r Nant joining the author Leisa Mererid. The author will present her book Y Wariar Bach and the children will join in yoga and breathing exercises to follow. The session is organised in partnership with the Books Council of Wales.

Read 6 library books over 4 visits during the summer holidays and collect rewards – and it’s all free! Come and join us! 
There is further information on the Summer Reading Challenge website.


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