Recruitment and Skills Workshops
As the libraries have changed their timetables, Working Denbighshire have amended some of the times for the ‘Recruitment and Skills Workshop’.
Our Tuesday afternoon workshop in Rhyl has been so busy that we have added on an additional session to support more people. This additional session is held on a Thursday morning 10am-12pm.
Working Denbighshire have put together some topics we can support in the workshops but have also identified what might be better in a 1-2-1 meeting with one of the caseworkers. This is so that everyone gets the best support possible and if more in depth support is required, a 1-2-1 would be more beneficial to the participant.
Our caseworkers can meet participants on a 1-2-1 basis throughout the county a meeting is required, please just contact them through their email address.
Job club support
1 to 1 support
Job searching
Job searches
Job applications (ad hoc)
C.V’s (full)
IT support (e.g. emails, forms)
Online course support
Online course support
Various applications (Birth certificate, SIA etc.)
C.V. information gathering and amending
Planned job applications
Taking ID
Interview skills
*can travel throughout the county for 1 to 1 support.