Green guide looks at helping town’s environment
A green guide has been published to generate ideas for improving a town’s environment.
The Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty ( AONB ) has published an illustrated guide to the Llangollen Green Infrastructure (GI) initiative opportunities.

Following on from the AONB’s 2021 publication, ‘Landscape and Nature Recovery in a Changing Climate’, the new guide looks at opportunities for adding to the existing GI network in Llangollen to managing, mitigating, and adapting to the threats posed by climate change.
Developed in consultation with the local community and led by the AONB’s climate change lead officer, the guide identifies six well known locations in the town and how they would benefit from GI additions.
Each of the locations are linked together by a GI route which is a mainly traffic free green corridor which should encourage active travel.
The guide looks at the existing situation in the town, sets out the basic principles necessary to provide a joined-up network of green spaces which benefit the local ecosystem and recommends improvements for discussion which would realise the GI objectives.
These include ecological improvements like tree and wildflower meadow planting and improved facilities such as path and signage improvements and sustainable drainage systems.
Councillor Win-Mullen James, Lead Member for Local Development and Planning, said: “This fantastic publication marks the start of a longer-term objective of creating a more sustainable Llangollen. Apart from the Council, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and the AONB, several local organisations and businesses have already signalled their support for the guide, including the town council and Llangollen Friends of the Earth.
“It’s also good to see Ysgol Dinas Bran pledging its full support as the involvement of the next generations is essential.
“This is a great opportunity to spark discussion and action on green infrastructure from both a community grass roots level, and strategic level and we look forward to hearing the outcomes driven by this document.”
Printed versions of the guide are available from the AONB Llangollen office and also the Loggerheads Country Park office.