2023 Go North Wales Tourism Awards
Nominations and tickets for the 2023 Go North Wales Tourism Awards, sponsored by Harlech Food Service have now opened and the website is now live.
The seventh Go North Wales Tourism Awards will be held on Thursday 23 November at Venue Cymru, Llandudno to celebrate and recognise excellence and outstanding achievement by our businesses and individuals working in the tourism hospitality sector of North Wales.
If you are involved in our region’s tourism industry, then these awards are for you! Why not complete the online form and submit? There are 18 categories and nominations are now open! You can nominate your own tourism business, or the best tourism business which you think is a worthy winner.
The deadline for applications is Monday 9 October 2023.
For all details on the awards including how to join us on the Awards evening please visit https://gonorthwalestourismawards.website.