A change at the top
In this issue we say a fond farewell to our Chief Executive, Dr Mohammed Mehmet who will be leaving us this month. Mohammed has been with Denbighshire for over 10 years and has achieved so much during his time with us.
Dr Mehmet, said: “My reason for leaving is simply that I believe it’s time for a change: for me and Denbighshire. I started in Denbighshire in December 2007 – on a six month contract! The ten years since have been wonderful for me. I have worked with the best staff in the UK and elected members have allowed me to do the job in my own way and have backed me with strong support. I have been lucky and proud to work here as the Chief Executive.
“There is probably never the ideal time for such decisions, but I wanted the new council to settle after the local elections and for members to agree their Corporate Plan before they had to worry about replacing their Chief Executive.
Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of the Council, said: "I would like to show my appreciation to Mohammed for transforming Denbighshire during his period as our Chief executive.
“Mohammed has guided both officers and members through difficult and challenging times into being one of the highest performing councils in Wales. His vision and commitment has set the foundations for Denbighshire to manage the future with confidence and it has been a pleasure to work alongside him.
“I wish him all the best in the future"

Although the staff and members will miss Mohammed, he is being replaced by an equally capable individual – Judith Greenhalgh who has been appointed as the new Chief Executive.
Judith, was previously the Director of Corporate Resources at Derbyshire County Council, is from Manchester and is also a former Deputy Chief Executive of the Manchester Probation Service.
Leader of Denbighshire, Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, said: “We are delighted to be welcoming someone of such high calibre to Denbighshire.
“There were strong contenders in the running for the post and they all performed to an extremely high standard in a rigorous selection process”.
Judith said: “I’m delighted to have been offered the role. I cannot wait to take up the challenge and join Denbighshire. It is such a beautiful county, which is very close to my heart. I have often stayed in the Clwydian Range and I’ll relish the challenge of coming to work for such a progressive authority”.
Judith starts her new role this month and we all wish her well.