Think you can become a Foster Carer?

The Council are looking to recruit foster carers throughout the Denbighshire area to meet the needs of some of the most vulnerable children in our society. Fostering involves looking after children from birth to 18 years, however foster carers in conjunction with their social worker can decide on the age of a child/ren which would best suit their family. We are looking for people who can provide a safe, secure, loving and nurturing environment for children and young people who for many reasons are not able to live at home. Foster carers can provide short term care, long term care, respite or emergency care, or short breaks for children with additional needs.
Are you over 21, with the time and skills to care for children or young people, do you have a spare bedroom, but most of all do you have room in your life to make a difference to a child’s life.
Denbighshire Fostering Service have a very close and supportive relationship with their carers, training, support and a financial allowance are all part of being a foster carer. Should you wish to have an informal discussion with either a Fostering Social worker or a foster carer, please contact Sue Colman Fostering Service Manager 01824 712279 or Penny Moran 01824 712287 Placement and Commissioning Officer.