County Voice

County Voice: March 2022

Appeal for the return of unwanted therapy equipment

County residents are being urged to return unwanted therapy equipment to help others in need.

The Council’s Equipment Service is calling on residents to return community therapy and disability equipment that is no longer in use. The appeal follows a shortage of equipment for the service along with other local authorities and NHS Trusts across the UK. An amnesty is in operation to help source any unrequired equipment across the county.

The service provides equipment for Social Services and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board services within Denbighshire.

If you have any unwanted equipment, staff will arrange to collect, clean and reuse any that is in a good condition previously provided by the service.Items in particular demand include raised toilet seats, toilet frames, shower chairs, perching stools, kitchen trolleys, commodes and shower stools.

If you have community therapy or disability equipment that you no longer need to use, please contact the Community Equipment Service to return the items to support the service in helping others. You can ring them on 01745 344675 or e-mail them at


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