New web pages to inform residents about Council funding
The Council has launched new web pages to inform residents about how it sets its budget to deliver local public services with a focus on providing value for money.
Local authority funding is complex and technical and while many believe that Council tax pays for delivering all the Council’s services, this is far from the case. In fact, only a quarter of the Council’s funding comes from Council Tax.

The Council gets its funding from a variety of sources with its net budget funded by three main sources:
- Revenue support grant from Welsh Government – 62%
- Business rates which are a property tax paid on business and non-domestic properties to pay for services – 13%
- Council tax, which is the annual fee that residents pay to the Council – 25%
Councillor Gwyneth Ellis, Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets said: “We think it’s vital that residents understand how their Council, and therefore, its services are funded. There are lots of misconceptions about where the money comes from, and we want residents to understand how their money is spent.
“To address this, we have developed new web pages with information about how the Council spends its money. The aim is to set out in a clear way where we get our funding, how we spend the money, give an overview of the Council’s budget, and explain to residents how the council tax bill works.”
To find out more about Council spending, how the Council is funded and your Council Tax bill, visit our new finance pages on the Council's website on the link below.
How the Council is funded
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