Register for the new Absorbent Hygiene Product collection service
A pilot of Denbighshire’s new Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHP) collections will begin in September 2023.
The new scheme is initially available to residents with LL16 or LL17 postcodes but will be rolled out to the rest of the county at a later date.
Some of the things that constitutes AHP are nappies, nappy bags and wipes, disposable bed pans, incontinence pads, and colostomy and stoma bags (a comprehensive list is on the Denbighshire website). This free weekly service aims to reduce this type of waste in residents’ black bins, as currently, 20% of it is AHP waste. It is part of wider work the Council is undertaking to improve recycling rates in the county.
Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport said, “We’re starting by collecting this waste separately now so that when a contract is in place with a recycling facility, we’ll be ready to recycle it straight away. In future, this waste could be used to produce a variety of new products, which might include fibreboards and acoustic panels for floors and walls, and as an engineering material used in road surfaces.”
He went on to say: “While it’s great that we’re looking at even more things we can recycle, we also encourage residents to consider other ways of reducing their waste. One way of doing this is using reusable nappies which is a cheaper alternative to disposable nappies. The Council offers a reusable nappy voucher scheme to help residents by providing £25 worth of vouchers to buy reusable nappies.”

Registration for the new AHP collection service is now open with collections starting from Monday, 25 September.
Further information about the new service, including how to register, is available from on the Council’s website.