Highways Maintenance Programme 2023/24
We are responsible for 1,400km of road network and in 2022/23 we resurfaced 53km of our roads. A variety of methods are utilised and this is decided depending on the condition of the road. The methods utilised are as follows:
- Surface dressing and Micro asphalt to prevent deterioration – these save money in the long run ‘a stitch in time saves nine strategy’.
- Patching of other roads to save deterioration.
- Conventional resurfacing.
In the March 2023 edition of County Voice, we explained the highways maintenance programme process and the 2023/24 programme has now been agreed by Members. The webpage will be regularly updated when roads have been completed.
Micro and surface dressing are temperature sensitive and will therefore be programmed earlier in the season than other works.
A process map will feature in a future edition of County Voice.
The Road Surfacing Programme 2023-24 is available on our website.